Foundation Inspections

Foundation Inspections

A foundation inspection isn’t a one-time thing – or at least it shouldn’t be.  Most people never had a foundation specialist look at it at all, and instead only had the general home inspector glance at the foundation pre-sale.  The relatively few homeowners who had a foundation specialist do the inspection did it before they bought the house, and never since.

In general, you should get your foundation inspected every 5 to 7 years.   Many issues can develop or become apparent in just a few years.  That’s true of all foundations, even those that appear rock-solid.  Some foundation damage you can see, but some you can’t.  Other problems, like with drainage, may not be foundation problems just yet, but will lead to problems if left unanswered.  Let Just Foundations Ottawa give you peace of mind with a comprehensive foundation inspection .

If you don’t know when your last foundation inspection was, it’s probably time for a trained eye to take a look.

We’ll make sure your foundation is solid and safe.  If it isn’t, we can fix small problems while they’re still small, or fix more-extensive damage if you’ve got it.

Call Just Foundations Ottawa to schedule your foundation inspection, or read on to find out more. 

What is involved in a foundation inspection?

First we walk around the perimeter of your home.  We’ll look not only at your foundation, but also at your drainage, grading, gutters, window wells, and other systems that should keep water away from your foundation.

Then we’ll enter your basement and/or crawl space and see where any damage is.  We’re looking not only for foundation cracks, but also for puddles of water, moisture, musty smells, and rotted or sagging joists and beams.  In other words, we want to find areas where your foundation is less than solid, or areas where it’s put under excess stress.

What are the signs of a bad foundation?

Many signs of a bad foundation start showing up on the inside of your home. You’ll start seeing sheetrock cracks and nail pops in your drywall. You’ll have trouble opening doors and windows because the flooring has become uneven (the joists shift, and then the subfloor shifts). You may start to see cracks in any tile flooring you have.

If you have a brick home you might see cracked brick outside your home. Even if you don’t, you might see cracks showing up on steps. Look for zig-zag pattern cracks.

You and we want to catch foundation problems before they ever start to have an effect on your home at all. That’s why you should schedule a foundation inspection every few years.

Can a bad foundation be fixed?

Absolutely.  It’s just a question of how much work is involved.  Foundation repair is one of our specialties. Our 20 years of experience in the field means that by the time we’re done you won’t have to think about your foundation for a good long time. Our work is fully insured and we offer lifetime warranties.

If we see a problem with your foundation we’ll take the time to discuss the problem thoroughly. You’ll know how we’ll have to fix it and how much it will cost. There will be no surprises. 

Are foundation repairs worth the cost?

People don’t want to hear they need foundation repairs, and they wonder whether they can afford the repairs, but the hard truth is you can’t afford not to get a damaged foundation repaired.

If your home’s foundation has problems you’ll probably end up seeing damage elsewhere in the home. Foundation problems can even become a health and safety hazard, because they can lead to the total collapse of your house if left to fester.

Let’s catch problems before they are problems, or while they are still small.  Email to schedule your foundation inspection today.