Water Proofing VS Damp Proofing: Know The Difference!
For homeowners who do not know about the actual construction of a house, foundation water proofing can be very confusing. It stands to reason if there is water in the ground and one’s home is built into the ground that it would naturally be water proofed. This is not always the case. The cost of building a foundation that is waterproofed comes with a substantially higher cost, and often builders will cut corners in this area to save money. An untrained eye wouldn’t be able to detect whether a foundation was waterproofed or not, and that area of the home is covered by dirt surrounding the foundation so early in the game it’s easy for this cost to be cut out of the picture.

Waterproofing Products
Compounds that are designed for waterproofing block water from infiltrating into your home, and are highly effective when applied to the exterior of a foundation. Various waterproofing products are available to homeowners and are very different in their composition. Products can be rubber polymers, modified asphalts, clay or urethane based. It is extremely important to discuss these products as they have the ability to bridge cracks that might develop later on, and some have the ability to bond bigger cracks than others. This is an important discussion to have with your installer in order to keep your basement dry for many years to come.
Damp Proofing
There is also a process that is called “damp proofing” which is often confused as being the same thing as waterproofing – it is not. Damp proofing slows water from penetrating into foundations, and is usually done with the application of unmodified asphalt coatings to foundation surfaces. The issue is that most of these products become brittle when dry, and can even be dissolved by ground water over time. The damp proofing process does not possess the ability to bridge foundation cracks, and untreated concrete will easily absorb water from the soil around your house. The absorbed water will then travel through the concrete and evaporate from the inside surface of your basement walls. This is why older homes are known to have “damp feeling basements”; the walls will appear dry however, the water is actually still being transmitted into your basement.
Just Foundations provides quality work from licensed professionals, and offers competitive rates with excellent referrals. Give us a call and we’d be pleased to come and provide an estimate for your needs.